Pay It Forward Campaign
To 'pay it forward' means to directly or proactively respond to an act of kindness with an equal or greater act that benefits others. As an artists emporium, Ancestral Funk™ desires to provide financial support for emerging artists. Funds are used to provide something as simple as buying a pair of drumsticks, or a pack of guitar picks, or buying sheet music, or even renting costumes. Please consider donating to our cause in whatever denomination that fits. We promise to administer this campaign with the utmost integrity and transparency.
Let's Pay it Forward!
Love Letter to Our Sponsors
Help us 'Pay it Forward' by donating to our 'rising artist' program administered by our 501(c)(3) partner RaceWithoutIsm™, Inc. Every tax-deductible dollar goes to support emerging artists. THANK YOU in advance! ~Siobhan
DONORS: Please type PIF in the memo/note field of your donation.
Thank You!